Send us your QR code to see if you could save

Send it to us and see how much you could save

Upload a photo of your QR Code

Take or upload a photo of the QR code on your latest energy bill and see if you could save with EDF Energy.

Or check out other ways to get a quote below.

You can send us a JPEG, PNG or Gif. Your QR code needs to be in focus so we can read it properly. Or check out our other ways to get a quote in the box on the right.

How to upload your QR code

How to get your personalised saving

  1. Locate the QR code on your latest energy bill – it’s the little black square box that holds all the info we need
  2. Take a picture of your QR code – make sure it’s just your QR code and not your whole bill or monitor
  3. Take a picture of your QR code – make sure it’s just your QR code and not your whole bill

By sending your QR code you confirm that you have permission to do so and EDF Energy can use your data to send your quote and contact you about it.

By sending your QR code you confirm that you have permission to do so and EDF Energy can use your data to send your quote and contact you about it.

Top tips

  • Make sure there’s enough light
  • Zoom in on the QR code
  • Make sure it’s clear, not blurry